PFAS Due Diligence: Higher Risk Property Types – Part 1 Aviation

Our groundbreaking series on PFAS environmental due diligence continues with a new chapter exploring higher-risk property types.

One of the most frequently cited are aviation facilities, including commercial airports, but how much do you know about PFAS use storage and disposal at these sites?

In this webinar, an experienced EP shares her knowledge and experience, including:

  • What does the federal government say are the biggest data gaps and strategic opportunities to better understand PFAS property risks? 
  • How will ongoing federal and state-funded data disclosure, research, and enforcement action likely impact property due diligence? 
  • What do experts look for when conducting due diligence at airports? 
  • What is AFFF, how is it used, and is it banned? 
  • What airport operation types might be ignored during due diligence but shouldn’t be? 
  • What is the magnitude of impacts? Hear examples of best- and worst-case investigation outcomes. 

Event Type:

On Demand


October 18, 2023

