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Episode 29: Market Exhales on Fresh Data

January 17, 2025 < 1 min

Fresh economic data brought a much-needed sigh of relief this week, as Martha Coacher, Manus Clancy, and Dianne Crocker tackled everything from the “Goldilocks prints” to the bullish outlook among lenders eager to return to dealmaking. Manus coined a new term, “office collateral damage,” comparing the current state of office space to the retail apocalypse of years past. The team also weighed in on the economic fallout from the Southern California wildfires and examined the rise of buy-to-convert projects—turning underperforming offices into residential properties. Amid it all, an unprecedented wave of optimism is breaking through, leaving everyone wondering just how far it can carry the market. 

00:15 Markets Exhale on Inflation Data
02:52 Retail Roundup and Economic Indicators
05:50 Optimism in the Lending Market
09:10 Retail Trends and Store Closures
14:59 Bank Earnings and Confidence in Lending
18:08 Impact of LA Wildfires
20:56 Office “Collateral Damage” Transactions and Multifamily Markets
24:12 Market Trends and “Price Clustering”
27:06 Future of Drone Deliveries in Retail

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