Environmental datasets empower decision-making by bringing to light risk profiles and critical information as identified by Federal, State, Local and Tribal regulatory agencies.

Building Footprints
Building footprints are geospatial boundaries that provide the outline of a building drawn along the exterior walls.
Earth Risks
Earth risks include avalanche, cold wave, drought, earthquake, hail, heat wave, hurricane, ice storm, lightning, strong wind, tornado, tsunami, volcanic activity, and winter weather.
Fire Risks
Fire hazards include distance to nearest 3 fire stations – both in time and in drive distance, Wildfire risk zones, Property Fire Risk Score, AAIS Fire Protection Class, fire hydrant locations.
Flood Risks
Data includes, but is not limited to, 100-year and 500-year flood zones. Canadian Flood maps provide flood extents and depths for multiple return periods, covering river, surface and coastal flooding.
Historical Imagery and Content
Collection of historical content including SANBORN® Maps, Historical Aerial Photography, Historical City Directories, Historical Topographic Maps, Environmental Liens and AULs, and Historical Title.
Known Incidents
Incidents identified by regulatory agencies indicating known or suspected environmental releases, contamination, or spills associated with hazardous materials, petroleum, or other products.
Other Environmental Content
Content valuable for evaluating environmental issues, including historical gas station and dry cleaners, PFAS, water wells, oil and gas wells, radon, wetlands, topography, endangered species, registered historic sites, and more.
Permitted Facilities
Facilities registered with regulatory agencies for operations such as hazardous waste management, landfills, underground and above ground storage tanks, and other activities associated with potential environmental concern.
Storm Risks
Review historical and predictive weather data covering severe weather such as storm surges, hail, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and lightning.
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