LightBox Labs

Powered by data. Inspired by innovation. Solved by science. LightBox Labs develops creative solutions that solve complex problems for our clients and the industry.

Product EDR® OnDemand

On a mission to uncover insight and drive innovation

At LightBox Labs, we pursue new ways to enhance decision-making. Our dedicated team of data scientists and thought leaders leverage our extensive industry network to identify strategic initiatives & develop new products that propel the businesses forward.


To bring forth the best ideas, we partner with some of the smartest teams in the industry, including the Department of Energy, National Labs, First Street Foundation, CRE Data Alliance, as well as multiple joint research opportunities with academic institutions & universities. Together, we tackle issues ranging from digital connectivity & environmental exposure to geospatial mapping challenges & more.

Our innovation in action

Take a look at some of the ways the team at LightBox Labs is harnessing data to pioneer growth in the industry.

Amplifying LightBox products and mission

Expanding our core offerings.

  • Remote sensing and data matching 100+M building footprints leveraging LiDAR-based modeling
  • Accelerator to Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL)/DOE in Unique Building ID (UBID) development
  • Image processing and geo-referencing to support 300,000+ annual environmental reviews
  • Core competency in connecting alternative data sets and address linking

Broadband model and Address fabric

Addressing broadband inequality to close the digital divide.

  • Core fabric utilized by multiple states and ISPs
  • Identified 500K+ unserved locations for State of Georgia
  • Robust BSL model tracks 200M+ locations for access, speed and affordability
  • Includes alternative data such as WiFi connectivity and speed tests

Climate and resiliency

Combating climate change and environmental risks.

  • Enabled the first property level climate adjusted flood model in support of First Street Foundation
  • Powering the first national estimate of energy consumption adjusted for climate change for the entire US building stock in partnership with Oak Ridge National Lab
  • Participating in ASTM effort developing standards for Property Resiliency Assessment

Data extraction

Leveraging machine learning to extract and structure unstructured imagery and data

  • LiDAR and satellite imagery
  • SANBORN MAP®s and City Directories
  • Commercial real estate financial documents

LightBox academic partnerships

Engaging with premier institutions to further the pursuit of knowledge

  • Underwriting and advising single semester and full year research projects
  • Guest lecturing at graduate and undergraduate programs
  • Now accepting applications for LightBox’s Academic Research Program